Teen Parents - "My Kid’s Coming Back From Camp - Now What?"
Facilitators: Dave & Deb Eskew
Join us for a time where we share and discuss practical ideas to help our teens keep the magic of camp going once they come home.
Campus - Staying Connected
Facilitators: James Lim & Sarah Schwarz
Encouraging and helpful perspective on the importance of staying connected over the summer months.
Young Marrieds - Marriage in the Kingdom
Facilitators: Reggie & Lea Holmes with YM Advisory Group
Making the most of the early years of our marriages as part of God’s kingdom.
Yo Pros & Singles - Prayer and the Art of Perseverance
Facilitators: Phil & Beth Bruns, Blue Ridge Church Leaders
By now you've experienced ebbs and flows in life. You're navigating the transition to professional life. You're facing challenges--maybe in your job, in relationships, with ministry, your family, with something. Can prayer really help? Does God really hear? Let’s explore examples of biblical people, their stories of faithful prayer, and be inspired by them.
Sarah’s Daughters (Women married to non-members) - Staying Encouraged and in Love
Facilitator: Julie Smith
How Christian wives stay encouraged in life and love with non-member spouses.
Parents of children with Mental Health and other challenges
Facilitator: Olivia Hudson
Support and care specifically for moms feeling the struggle of children with mental health and other challenges.
Empty Nesters - Inspiration and Vision
Facilitators: Tom & Lori Ziegler Getting inspiration and vision for the faithful and adventurous possibilities in the empty-nest stage of life.
Our apologies - this class has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
CANCELLED - General Class - Kingdom Principles for Engaging Culture
Facilitator: Brett Kreider
An examination of 9 biblical principles from Michael Burns's latest book "Escaping the Beast". This class will provide an overview of those principles with examples of how they can be applied today for disciples as they engage culture, politics and social justice issues
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Earlier Event: April 17
EMS Cultural Mixer
Later Event: July 31
NOVA Singles - Let's Party